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Two Years


Since my last blog post. As you can imagine that bridge/train shot never happened. If it had I would have posted the photos. I prepped for it in elaborate ways -- built a safety platform, scoped out the angles, times, seasons, learned to pick locks. Shan't go into more details. Suffice to say it was all for naught. Sometimes life doesn't want to give you what you want. Perhaps life says you don't need that. It won't make you happy. It goes nowhere even if you're allowed to succeed in this chapter. I've reached a life stage where I don't fight life anymore. To an extent. But at least to this extent, I just go ok, so it is and so it shall be. And so I abandoned that project and turned my attention to another form of self-entertainment.

I've been given to saying lately that at the end of one's life when your deeds and misdeeds are replaying soberly in your head like a list of criminal charges, there needs to be SOMETHING on that list that causes the Captain Sparrow reaction of "Haha yeah I did that". SOME moment where your better judgment fails you but the outcome is so outlandish that it really stands out as something memorable. Something notorious. Infamous. Scandalous. Wild.

Because the alternative is to say you've lived a dull dutiful life and I have seen people end up at the end asking what was it all for in the first place? Those Captain Sparrow moments are what make life ALIVE and worth living. They cut the edge on a long hard slog. You should have at least ONE Captain Sparrow moment in your life, in my opinion. I've been blessed to have several, enough to make a list because some go all the way back to my college years. And THIS shot is visual evidence that I'm still up to some hijinks even now.

Not for the shot itself, though it is quite beautiful, and itself a manifestation of the Captain Sparrow ethos, that of photographing beautiful female oriented artworks, but for the vehicle itself and what it represents.

My fascination for helicopters goes back to my childhood, probably not unlike many little boys. It's an interest that goes on the trash heap of childish things put away in pursuit of more sensible, realistic adult goals. But even as an adult I'll watch helicopters go by, or stand and watch one at work. I don't know what it is. There's just something compelling about them.

And this year through a rather improbable chain of events, I find myself spending quality time with one. My dream chopper too. My Captain Sparrow chopper if you will. And you can see what those adventures look like here:

And putting two of those interests together, you get a pleasing set of images and a good time all around. Things that I will smile at to myself in my last days.



Artistic Fine Art Photography

Tel: 214-400-4337

Grand Prairie Texas USA

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